Versioned groups


Types barely change alone, usually a set of types will change during the release of a software. So keeping track of a single version number that will define the schema to use for a set of types.

Version group and uris

The version group is identified by a uri (VersionGroupURI). This uri is defined by an api group and a version, like "api_group:version"

You can also define an enum that maps to the appropriate uri with version_group_enum.

Resolving the version groups

When deserializing with serde-version, you need to provide a way to find the version group for each version uri defined in the version header.

This is the purpose of the VersionGroupResolver.

You can define one statically with the macro version_group_resolver_static.

See the versioned_group example.

Example in Toml

# Version header with 2 version uris
v = ["", ""] 

name = "my config name"

plugin_name = "plugin name"